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Write Microstation File

Output File
Enter the name of the output file. This is generally the same as the ACS job name with a .DGN extension.

Check this box to include the Points in the Microstation file.

Check this box to include line Strings in the Microstation file.

Check this box to include line Text in the Microstation file.

Include Heights
Check this box to include heights on the points written to the DXF file (X,Y,Z).

Layer/Code Translation
This option allows layer names and codes to be converted when writing an output DGN file. See Layer Translation for more details.

Microstation Values
The layer must be in the range 1-63, use a -1 value if you don’t want the strings/points to be translated. If a translation table is not used, a layer number will be set up for each ACS layer.

Colour must be 1-10, if a translation table is not used the following will be adopted:
Colour Microstation
White 0
Blue 1
Light Green 2
Red 3
Yellow 4
Magenta 5
Brown 6
Light Blue 7
Black 8
Grey 9
Light Red 10

Weight must be 1-8 with each unit being approximately 0.25mm. If a translation table is not used, the ASP weight will be adopted.

Style must be 1-8, if a translation table is not used the following will be adopted:

Line TypesMicrostation Line Type
1, 6, and 110
2, 7, and 121
9 and 44
5, 10 and 156
Seed File
Enter the name of the seed file, 2DM.DGN for a 2D file or 3DM.DGN for a 3D file.

The seed file provides the scale factor to convert ACS co-ordinate values to Microstation format. Microstation stores co-ordinates as integers, usually to the nearest mm, or 0.1 mm.

The program will copy all the strings in the job to the DGN file.When you start the Microstation job you may have to do a Zoom ALL to find the job.